
Academic progress is a key priority in the Sixth Form. We acknowledge the step-up in terms of both complexity and workload pressures from GCSE to A Level. Our students are coached to embrace this challenge by becoming mature, effective and independent learners through study skills and ‘learning to learn’ sessions that focus on metacognition and self-awareness. Independent study is a prerequisite to successful A Level study. Students benefit from productive learning environments and departmental work areas during their study periods.
Every student’s effort and achievement are monitored closely and regularly throughout the course of A Level study by their tutor, housemaster or housemistress and the Head of Sixth Form. These key members of staff in each Sixth Former’s academic journey work collaboratively to design bespoke support programmes where necessary to enhance each student’s academic performance. Sixth Formers benefit from an engaging and invigorating academic extension programme in the Sixth Form, including weekly discussion groups and debating clubs.