- Third Form – Compulsory
Sixth Form – Additional option to complement A Level choices
Priding ourselves on offering all three Combined Cadet Force sections – Royal Navy, Army and RAF – our students get the flexibility to decide for themselves which path to take. Starting in the Third Form, they get a general introduction to each section, before deciding on the one they wish to pursue. Whichever cadet path they choose, their involvement in the CCF at the School will help to develop self-discipline, responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness, endurance, perseverance, a sense of service to the community and leadership skills.
All three sections have a common core of drill, navigation and skill at arms. Beyond that, the Royal Navy section specialises in lifesaving, sailing and powerboating, the Army section in infantry skills and tactics and the RAF in flight training, including gliding and flying. In addition, membership of the Signals and Shooting teams is open to all, from any section.
Our CCF programme runs on Wednesday afternoons during term time, but there are numerous opportunities outside of this time to get involved, including field trips, overnight exercises and longer excursions to military bases, adventure training camps and even overseas trips to the likes of Borneo, Brunei, Nepal and the United States.