Swimming Gala

21st Jan 2022
Senior School

The first swimming gala of the season took place on 18th January 2022. Our First and Second Form at SVS joined forces with SVPS, swimming against Dulwich Prep, and achieved a brilliant win.

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Headmaster’s Headlines

21st Jan 2022
Senior School

A well-earned exeat weekend awaits us. I hope that the pause is helpful for all, not least for our Upper Sixth students who will be doing their final revision before their A Level mock examinations start next week.

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Swimming Gala – 18th January 2022

21st Jan 2022
Senior School

The first swimming gala of the season took place on Tuesday this week. Our First and Second Form at SVS joined forces with SVPS, swimming against Dulwich Prep, and achieved a brilliant win.

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Headmaster’s Headlines – 14.01.22

14th Jan 2022
Senior School

It is a stunning afternoon here at School. The School site looks beautiful today, bathed in sunshine with hardly a cloud in the sky. Sunrises and sunsets have also been breath taking; I wonder how many more days we can have like this as the winter progresses.

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Indoor Hockey Success

7th Jan 2022
Senior School

Over the Christmas break, several of our pupils competed at the Indoor Hockey UK Championships. This is a tournament ran independently of England Hockey, aiming to give more athletes a taste of Indoor Hockey, in a highly competitive environment.

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Headmaster’s Headlines – 07.01.22

7th Jan 2022
Senior School

Happy New Year for 2022 to all the Sutton Valence community. The atmosphere at both Schools has been very positive in the first couple of days and I know the students are pleased to be back in to (still slightly amended) School routines after a most welcome break.

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Festive Hampers

17th Dec 2021
Senior School

This year, we decided to collect presents for the patients, their families and staff who are on the Hedgehog Ward at Pembury Hospital. Each tutor group organised a hamper full of goodies to help bring Christmas joy.

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Good luck Louise!

17th Dec 2021
Senior School

After ten years of incredible care, selflessness and support, we are sad to see Louise Schembri move on to pastures new in January. As well as being the School nurse, often seen running down the sideline at sports fixtures or helping children in the Medical Centre.

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