CCF Junior Field Day 2022

30th Sep 2022
Senior School

The Junior Field Day is a chance for the pupils in Third Form, the newly inducted cadets, to experience their first taste of a field day. Plans are always fluid where the MOD is concerned – with the original plan altered, we were out in the field under bashas instead of nice warm comfy accommodation!

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Head of School Speeches – Michaelmas 2022

30th Sep 2022
Senior School

Our Heads of School for the Michaelmas Term are Katie Moore and James Pepler (both Upper Sixth). As is tradition, they have both written a Head of School speech which they have read out in Headmaster's assembly. You can read a transcript of both of their speeches below.

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South-East Cadet Skill at Arms 2022

30th Sep 2022
Senior School

Last weekend, the Sutton Valence CCF Shooting team took part in the annual South-East Cadet Skill at Arms (or CADSAAM for short) competition at Pirbright  Ranges which was held for the first time since 2019. They competed with nearly 30 other teams from other CCF and ACF units from as far afield as Essex, Hampshire and Surrey and as well as teams fielded by local rivals Sevenoaks School and Maidstone Grammar School.

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Headmaster’s Headlines – 30.09.22

30th Sep 2022
Senior School

We are now certainly in the swing of things here and have enjoyed a ‘normal routine’ week for the first time this term (although I am still not sure if there is ever a ‘normal’ week at SVS)! Tomorrow, we will have a prospective student Open Morning and we are expecting around 200 visitors to the School.

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NSEA Schools Equestrian Competition

30th Sep 2022

On Saturday 10th September, two Senior School pupils and three Prep School pupils travelled to Felbridge in West Sussex to compete in an NSEA Schools Equestrian Competition. Find out more about their success at the competition below.

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England Hockey Challenge Cup

23rd Sep 2022
Senior School

At the end of a long Hockey season, Archie Burden (Fourth Form), Caitlin Calverley, Rhys Harmer and Otto Plant (all Fifth Form) were selected to represent Tonbridge Performance Centres (U17 Girls' and U15 Boys' respectively) at the first ever England Hockey Challenge Cup tournament. Mr Braddick, Head of Hockey, was also in attendance, coaching the Tonbridge U15 Girls' side.

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Headmaster’s Headlines – 23.09.22

23rd Sep 2022
Senior School

Greetings to you all. This is, of course, the first ‘normal’ community newsletter of the year owing to the national period of mourning during which schools were advised to keep things low key on the celebration and communication front. Thus, there is a great deal of information and things to applaud in this week’s edition and I hope you enjoy reading it.

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Super Start to Skiing Season

22nd Sep 2022
Senior School

It has been a fantastic start to the year for the SVS ski racers. We had an enjoyable training session at Chatham last Friday evening, in preparation for the ESSKIA race on Sunday. As well as this, two teams braved an early start and a long morning to compete in the English Schools’ race with all eight skiers improving their times and confidence throughout the day. 

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