Earlier this month the School learnt the sad news that Richard Plowden had passed away. Richard joined the School in 2006 and, as a core member of both the History Department and Lambe’s Tutor team, he inspired numerous students. They instinctively knew that he cared and both his tutor group and classes exuded a warmth that reflected his desire to help them all gain a suitably rounded view of the world. Indeed in later years he was affectionately provided with the title of ‘Lord Plowden’. He seemed to relish the honour of such a promotion.
As a colleague, Richard treasured the friendships that he made across the full age range of the Common Room. These were founded on a combination of his deep compassion, a mischievous sense of humour and a principled irreverence which meant that laughter punctuated most of his conversations. As so many have recognised, he could discuss all matter of things with wisdom and insight. Behind those spectacles a glint of an eye was never missing for long.
Having served the Sutton Valence School community with such distinction, it was therefore bitterly cruel that he learnt of his diagnosis so soon after his retirement. The plans that he had made had to be shelved… he will be remembered with great fondness.
Details of Richard’s funeral and the charities his family would like to support in his memory can be found here – www.funeralguide.co.uk/obituaries/125876.