On Thursday evening, the NCOs, Headmaster, staff, guests from the armed services and other CCFs gathered for the Upper Sixth NCO Leavers’ Dinner. This is a military tradition to thank the Upper Sixth NCOs for their time and service. The culmination of the evening was the speeches from the outgoing Upper Sixth NCOs Oliver A, Thomas D, James E and George H. They all spoke fantastically well, reflecting on their time in the CCF and the skills they have learnt.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank them again for their selfless commitment in helping run and shape the CCF at Sutton Valence School for the younger Cadets.
The evening ended with the award of the Sword of Honour. This is given to the Upper Sixth NCO who best exemplifies the qualities of the CCF, namely commitment, responsibility, self reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance. This year, the worthy recipient of the Sword of Honour was Olivia F (Upper Sixth).
Lt Col Millbery