This International Women’s Day, we invited selected older female students to nominate staff that have inspired them throughout their School journey. This year’s IWD is particularly meaningful for the School, falling in the 40th year of SVS being a co-educational institution.
Sophie B (Upper Sixth) nominates Mrs Sunde, Head of History
In commemoration of International Women’s Day, it is important that we celebrate all the women in this community, but for me, Mrs Sunde has been one of the teachers that has had the greatest impact on me. Her constant hard work, ensuring that her students have all the resources that they need to succeed is inspiring. Similarly, her kindness and approachability help to encourage students to achieve their best.
Olivia C (Upper Sixth) nominates Miss Sagrott, Head of Army CCF
I have been fortunate enough to have been taught by so many incredible female teachers who have inspired me, however there is one in particular that stands out from the rest, Miss Sagrott. Despite Miss Sagrott never actually teaching me, she has made the effort to get to know me through CCF and my sporting experiences. She has inspired me by always being supportive and encouraging, as well as being a great role model in CCF, showing what women can achieve.
Candela MP (Fifth Form) nominate Miss Latter, Design and Technology Teacher
Miss Latter is one of my role models in the School. She looks after me and my friends at tutor time and in boarding. She brings joy and energy to my tutor group in the mornings. She is enthusiastic in everything she does and makes people laugh when they’re feeling down. She is one of the people that makes my day, and whenever I see her around School, she never fails to smile at me.
Lettice A (Lower Sixth) nominates Miss Giddings, Physical Education and Games Teacher
My role model for the school is Miss Giddings because she is one of the teachers I look forward to seeing in the morning and she always has a positive energy. She always says hello to me and always has time to catch up about everything that has happened in School. She has been my tutor since Fourth Form and has created a positive and safe environment for me and the other girls.