Housemasters at Home with Fifth Form Parents

Senior School
10 Jan 20

The Housemasters would like to invite parents of Fifth Form pupils to Groves Hall on Saturday 11th January starting at 8.15am, to discuss the lead up to the Summer Term.  The theme of the morning will be ‘what we would be expecting to see at home’ which will include useful information on helping your child with revision.  Mr Frost and Mrs Eastwood will also be present to discuss how examination concessions will be catered for. 
There will also be a study skills seminar for all parents from 9am to 11am in Groves Hall, where Mr Frost, Mrs Ball and Mr Sansom will be talking about specific revision strategies and how you can support your child at home with their work.

Some parents may have attended this seminar in the past and the themes will be broadly the same, however you are welcome to join us again for a refresher.
We would encourage you to attend these events and look forward to seeing you.