Madeleine Presland (Upper Sixth) reflects on her A Level Photography project below:
The main theme of my A Level Photography project is colour. I learned, over a period of time, how to apply and capture ultraviolet paint in different lights. I practised my painting and Photography skills using ultraviolet paint until I could successfully achieve my final shoot which focused on the theme of The Last Supper. When using ultraviolet paint, I was inspired by many photographers, including Hid Saib. I also started to experiment with fibre optics lights to see what colours and patterns I could capture in different lights.
I enjoy Photography as I can capture photographs of anything I want; I have complete control over my subject. My Photography teachers have supported me throughout the course and have helped push me so I can achieve the best of my ability.
In my photography, I am trying to capture something different, using the human body as a canvas using ultraviolet paint and lights.
Madeleine Presland (Upper Sixth)