
The information on this page relates specifically to entry to our Third Form (Year 9). For information on other entry points, please refer to our First Form (Year 7) page or Lower Sixth (Year 12) page. If you are interested in your son or daughter applying for one our other year groups, namely our Second Form (Year 8), Fourth Form (Year 10) or Fifth Form (Year 11), please get in touch with the Admissions Office to confirm availability of spaces in those respective year groups.

Registration Process

In order to register your child for a place in our Third Form, we would ask that prospective parents complete a two-stage registration process, as listed below. As our primary entry route for Third Form is via a deferred entry process, parents should complete the registration process by the start of their child’s Year 6. The prospective pupils will be required to sit the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB) Common Pre-Tests during the Michaelmas Term of Year 6 and, based upon those results, we will make deferred offers for guaranteed entry.

For our September 2027 deferred entry to Third Form, please ensure that you have completed both parts of the registration process before Wednesday 22nd October 2025.

Entry Requirements

Pupils wishing to join our Third Form are required to sit the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB) Common Pre-Tests during the Michaelmas Term whilst in Year 6. Ideally, candidates should sit the tests at their current school, but an alternative Invigilation Centre (place where tests will be administered) can be selected with their prior permission.

Please refer to the following guidance on the ISEB Pre-Test process. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Office. Information for families, including some useful resources, can also be found on the ISEB website.

During this term, we will also apply to every applicant’s school for a reference or report on academic and social progress and your child will also need to have a short interview with a member of the Senior Management Team. If you have previously visited the School and your child has met the Headmaster, this will qualify. If you have not already met with the Headmaster, we will contact you to make the necessary arrangements for an interview. Please be aware that the interview forms part of the selection process and must be completed by the end of the Michaelmas Term whilst the prospective pupil is in Year 6.

What are the ISEB Common Pre-Tests?

When will my child sit the ISEB Common Pre-Tests?

Can our child take the tests abroad?

Are the tests accessible for my child who has special educational needs?

When and how do I register with ISEB?

How should my child prepare for the examination?

Confirmation of a Place

For our September 2028 deferred entry to Third Form, we will contact families with the outcome of the application by Friday 19th December 2025. Acceptance of the offer will be required by March 2026 and this will guarantee the Third Form place for 2028.


The School offers a range of scholarships to pupils joining our Third Form. As listed below, each scholarship has its own criteria and method of assessment. Scholarships are assessed during the Lent Term of Year 8. To apply for a scholarship, please complete our Scholarship Application Form.

For detailed information about our scholarship programme, including specific requirements for each of the respective disciplines, please download our Scholarship Guide. For more general answers, please refer to the following information, as well as a table outlining the application deadlines and assessment dates for 2026 Third Form entry.

How do I apply?

Do I need to speak with my child’s current Headteacher?

Can my child apply for more than one scholarship?

Is there a fee to apply for a scholarship?

How much funding will I receive if awarded a scholarship?

How long will the scholarship last?

Scholarship Dates for Third Form 2024 Entry

Please note the dates in the table below relate to prospective pupils who are joining our Third Form in September 2025. For prospective pupils who are applying to join our Third Form in September 2026 or September 2027, scholarship assessments will take place in the January of that respective year. Exact scholarship assessment dates for these two years will be released in due course.

DisciplineApplication DeadlineAssessment Date
Academic ScholarshipFriday 10th January 2025Tuesday 28th January 2025
Art ScholarshipFriday 10th January 2025Friday 31st January 2025
Design and Technology ScholarshipFriday 10th January 2025Friday 31st January 2025
Drama ScholarshipFriday 10th January 2025Saturday 1st February 2025
Music ScholarshipFriday 10th January 2025Saturday 1st February 2025
Sport ScholarshipFriday 10th January 2025Friday 31st January 2025

Meet the Team

Visits and Open Mornings

Admissions Guide

