
The School offers a range of scholarships to pupils joining at 11+, 13+ and 16+. As listed below, each scholarship has its own criteria and method of assessment. The value of each scholarship is at the discretion of the Headmaster, but ordinarily a full scholarship is worth 20 per cent of the total fees (either day, part or full boarding) and an exhibition is worth 10 per cent of the total fees (either day, part or full boarding). Any further financial assistance may be obtained through a means-tested bursary. For more detailed information about our scholarship programme, please download our Scholarship Guide and, to apply, please complete our Scholarship Application Form. Please ensure that you have registered with the School prior to completing this form.

Scholarships Available

Academic Scholarship

Art Scholarship

Design and Technology Scholarship

Drama Scholarship

Music Scholarship

Sport Scholarship

Westminster Scholarship

HMC Scholarship

Scholarship Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply?

How do I apply?

Do I need to speak with my child’s current Headteacher?

Can my child apply for more than one scholarship?

Is there a fee to apply for a scholarship?

How much funding will I receive if awarded a scholarship?

How long will the scholarship last?

Admissions Guide

Open Mornings

