Term Dates

Please note the School reserves the right to alter these dates, if circumstances dictate.

Senior School

TermStart Date ExeatsHalf TermEnd Date
Lent Term 2025Monday 6th JanuarySaturday 25th JanuaryEnd of School (4.10pm) on Friday 14th February to Sunday 23rd February*Friday 28th March (1.00pm Finish)
Summer Term 2025Wednesday 23rd AprilSaturday 3rd MayEnd of School (4.10pm) on Friday 23rd May to Sunday 1st June*Friday 4th July (1.00pm Finish)
TermStart DateExeatsHalf TermEnd Date
Michaelmas Term 2025Tuesday 2nd September: Whole School at 8.25amSaturday 20th September and Saturday 22nd NovemberEnd of School (4.10pm) on Friday 17th October to Sunday 2nd NovemberFriday 12th December (1.00pm Finish)
Lent Term 2026Monday 5th JanuarySaturday 24th JanuaryEnd of School (4.10pm) on Friday 13th FebruaryFriday 27th March (1.00pm Finish)
Summer Term 2026Monday 20th April: Whole School at 8.25amSaturday 2nd MayEnd of School (4.10pm) on Friday 22nd May to Sunday 31st MayFriday 3rd July (1.00pm Finish)
TermStart DateExeatsHalf TermEnd Date
Michaelmas Term 2026Monday 7th September: Lower Sixth Form and new pupils Tuesday 8th September: Whole School at 8.25amSaturday 26th September and Saturday 23rd NovemberEnd of School (4.10pm) on Friday 16th October to Sunday 1st NovemberWednesday 16th December (1.00pm Finish)
Lent Term 2027Thursday 7th JanuarySaturday 23rd JanuaryEnd of School (4.10pm) on Friday 12th February to Sunday 21st FebruaryFriday 26th March (1.00pm Finish)
Summer Term 2027Monday 19th April: Whole School at 8.25amSaturday 1st MayEnd of School (4.10pm) on Friday 28th May to Sunday 6th JuneFriday 9th July (1.00pm Finish)

* Please note that boarders returning at the end of holidays and Half Terms will not be able to access their respective houses until 5.00pm on the respective Sunday prior to the start of term.

Preparatory School

TermStart DateINSET DaysHalf TermBank HolidaysEnd Date
Lent Term 2025Monday 6th JanuaryN/AEnd of School on Friday 14th February to Sunday 23rd FebruaryN/AFriday 28th March
Summer Term 2025Wednesday 23rd AprilTuesday 22nd AprilEnd of School on Friday 23rd May to Sunday 1st JuneMonday 5th MayFriday 4th July (Celebration Day)
TermStart DateINSET DaysHalf TermBank HolidaysEnd Date
Michaelmas Term 2025Tuesday 2nd SeptemberWednesday 27th August - Monday 1st SeptemberEnd of School on Friday 17th October to Sunday 2nd NovemberN/AFriday 12th December
Lent Term 2026Tuesday 6th JanuaryMonday 5th JanuaryEnd of School on Friday 13th February to Sunday 22nd FebruaryN/AFriday 27th March
Summer Term 2026Monday 20th AprilFriday 17th AprilEnd of School on Friday 22nd May to Sunday 31st MayMonday 4th MayFriday 3rd July (Celebration Day)
TermStart DateINSET DaysHalf TermBank HolidaysEnd Date
Michaelmas Term 2026Tuesday 8th SeptemberWednesday 2nd September to Monday 7th SeptemberEnd of School on Friday 16th October to Sunday 1st NovemberN/AWednesday 16th December
Lent Term 2027Thursday 7th JanuaryWednesday 6th JanuaryEnd of School on Friday 12th February to Sunday 21st FebruaryN/AFriday 26th March
Summer Term 2027Monday 19th AprilFriday 16th AprilEnd of School on Friday 28th May to Sunday 6th JuneMonday 3rd MayFriday 9th July (Celebration Day)

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