1st XI Boys Hockey Vs Wellington College

Senior School
13 Mar 23

Last Thursday the 1st XI had progressed to the fourth round of the Tier 3 national plate after beating Eastbourne College 2-0 at home. This meant we faced Wellington College, which we all knew was going to be a tough game but with a home advantage we had time to warm up and get prepared.

The game started off with us pressuring the Wellington defence, which eventually lead to us getting in their D and Harry M (Fifth Form) being able to flick it in-between the goalkeeper’s legs putting us 1-0 up. Wellington College managed to get back into the game putting the score at 1-1 going in at half time.

However, with an encouraging half time team talk, the boys felt confident going into the second half. This motivation gave us an extra push which led us to win a short corner with Rhys H (Fifth Form) converting it to put us 2-1 up.

With the score only having one goal between the two sides the boys kept pushing, knowing we had to get an extra goal for safety. This eventually happened with a ball being put into the D to Callum B (Lower Sixth) who slipped it to Rhys for an open goal. The team was feeling confident with the 3-1 score, but we were unable to keep this comfortable lead and unfortunately Wellington scored two quick goals leaving the game 3-3 at full time.

The game then went to shuffles. Wellington were up first which they managed to score. This left Rhys to follow who also scored his shuffle with some nice skill. And with Harry M (Lower Sixth) saving four out of the five shuffles and Otto P (Fifth Form) also scoring his shuffle, the game ended 2-1 on shuffles sending us to the quarter finals, where we will face the winner of Tonbridge V Dulwich.

I would like to thank everyone who came up and supported the team during the game.

Callum B (Lower Sixth)