Peg Peacekeepers

Prep School
21 Oct 22

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” – Jimi Hendrix

In preparation for a whole School Poppy Day Project on Friday 11th November, the children in Years 3 to 6 have created designs for a Peg Peace and Solidarity Soldier.

Their design brief was to create a character, using a wooden dolly peg, which embodies all that is kind, loving and peaceful or represents unity, community and solidarity.

Inspiring a wide range of imagination and innovation, the children researched and recorded their design ideas. Detailed diagrams, reasons for their choices and swatches of materials to be used were included in their design drawings. From people famous for their peacekeeping, to symbols of peace, love and collaboration, the variety of unique peg peacekeeper designs was exciting and positively peaceful!

Lovingly, the children are looking forward to making their Peg Peace and Solidarity Soldiers on Remembrance Day and being the creators of an army of SVPS peg peacekeepers.