I am writing this on Thursday evening having just returned home from a very well attended and fascinating Kingdon Society lecture given by Professor Andrew Linn (former parent and current Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Westminster). All the students, staff and parents in attendance thoroughly enjoyed his thoughts about speech and language and how they develop. It was lovely to have such a gathering and I look forward to many other events now that normality is returning. The SVS Foundation quiz night looks like it will be a great occasion on Friday evening.
Earlier this week, Mr Radford and I went up to London to have a reunion lunch with Old Suttonians from the 1940s and 1950s, to mark the passing of Ian Kay who was a stalwart of the OS community. It was wonderful to hear of their affection for the School, even decades later on from their time here. There were some hilarious stories told too!
I trust the Third Form parents and students found the GCSE options session helpful this week and that the Fourth Form Parents’ Evening had some constructive discussions too. This week, the focus is on the Fifth Form who have their A Level information evening and the opportunity to talk with all their teachers.
Unfortunately, I will not be in School this afternoon as I have a family funeral to attend, so I will miss Thomas Dolan (Lower Sixth) giving his History presentation and the Choir singing the Lord’s Prayer in Assembly. I trust they will both go down well. The first batch of prefect interviews will also be taking place as Mr Ellmers and Mr Farrell meet with some very keen aspiring student leaders.
On Saturday, we will welcome a large number of guests and prospective parents and students to our Open Morning, along with a group of Old Suttonians for their annual Netball fixture against the School, as well as many parents to watch School fixtures. It is also a huge day for our 1st XV Rugby squad who are playing in the Semi-Final of the National Vase at Sixways Stadium in Worcester, with the prospect of a final at Twickenham on the cards if they can overturn Reading Blue Coat School. You are more than welcome to watch the game live, starting at 3.40pm, here.
Finally, parents will have read my letter and helpful note on Tuesday to the community about the highly concerning events in Ukraine. Many of us are struggling to compute the situation and how to discuss it with our children; I trust the links shared have helped us with that. Please do write to me if you have any other thoughts. All those affected remain in our thoughts and prayers.
James Thomas